Event-driven Architecture

An event-driven architecture usually deals with the events produced and consumed between different software components. This architecture usually contains at least three decoupled players (the producer, pipeline, and the consumer). The producer is the one who emits an event. Event-driven architecture is made up of event producers and event consumers. An event producer detects or senses an event and represents the event as a message. It does not know the consumer of the event, or the outcome of an event.

After an event has been detected, it is transmitted from the event producer to the event consumers through event channels, where an event processing platform processes the event asynchronously. Event consumers need to be informed when an event has occurred. They might process the event or may only be impacted by it.

The event processing platform will execute the correct response to an event and send the activity downstream to the right consumers. This downstream activity is where the outcome of an event is seen.
