Cost Management

Cost management is truly concerned with the process of discovering projects of value and carrying out the project the opportune way. It incorporates activities such as planning, estimating, controlling, budgeting, funding, managing, and benchmarking costs so that the project can be accomplished within stipulated time and the authorized budget. This sets precedence for standardizing so the project performance can be monitored and improved over time.

Holistic cost transformation is about strengthening your organization by streamlining and refocusing so you can consistently pursue growth and ensure a better customer experience. Cost management encompasses the complete life cycle of organizational projects from the initial inception phase towards the final quantifying actual cost performance and project quality.

Our Key Offerings

  • Zero-based Budgeting : Decide how to liberate resources and make smart choices about where to allocate them and in turn, drive sustainable positive change in the business.

  • Risk assessment : Identify and address potential issues early to facilitate client control and enables business decisions to be taken with confidence.

  • Performance Monitoring : Set clear mechanisms for tracking costs, including how to address variances and reallocate funds.

  • Reinvestment : Reinvest your excess cash inflows in a manner that best assures growth for your business.

  • Activity Based Costing : Transparent allocation of costs associated to activities of the functional units of organisations to ensure critical decision-making capability.

Why choose Troy

  • We can help you achieve cost-saving business process improvement by applying proven best practices across all your organisational operations.

  • Our access to unprecedented cost data on projects across contexts and sectors opens way to provide accurate advice on the cost implications of client requirements.

  • Our systematic approach is holistically agile in nature to accommodate business requirements irrespective of industries.

  • Our reliable deliverables do not tie up resource management, shifting the focus on continuous improvement.

  • We provide timely insightful information focusing on business drivers that help enhance the available capacity.