Code Verification Testing

The code is the backbone of any software, and the correct functioning of any software or application completely depends on the flawlessness of its code. If the code has been written and optimized well, the software will deliver the desired performance. The code verification testing is one of the underlying white box testing services that focus on evaluating the accuracy of the code and how efficaciously it performs all its functions.

The aim of the code verification is to locate and identify any bugs or performance issues in the software and eliminate them during the software development phase to reduce both, development time as well as the time to market. With code verification and software testing services, it becomes easier to overcome any vulnerabilities in the software code and deliver an immaculate code to support optimum functioning of the software.


Our Key Offerings

  • Code review for web & mobile applications

  • Functional Testing & Regression Testing for the Code

  • Validation of the General Coding Errors

  • Residual Data Analysis

  • Native Code Execution

  • Code Encryption Testing

Why choose Troy

  • We ensure our clients get completely bug free codes capable of delivering outstanding performance.

  • Our consultants will provide you with insights into industry best-practices, recommend tools for testing, and provide a preliminary assessment of all the work you have already done.

  • If additional work force is required for the testing of your project, you can immediately extend your team with QA engineers and testers from our company.

  • Our team provides Comprehensive analysis of code and provide thorough recommendations for performance improvements.

  • Our Certified and qualified code verification team ensures faster turnaround time.